Summary Mixture-of-Experts Meets Instruction Tuning
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The paper discusses the benefits of instruction tuning for Mixture-of-Experts models in comparison to dense models in large language models.
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Key Points
- Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models benefit more from instruction tuning than dense models.
- The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) layer in the Transformer architecture allows for greater computational flexibility.
- Freezing either the expert or MoE components negatively impacts performance, while freezing the gate slightly improves performance in the FLAN-MOE model.
- Previous studies have explored large-scale multi-task fine-tuning without instruction prompts, but UnifiedQA and Natural Instructions have utilized prompt instructions for multi-task fine-tuning and evaluation.
- The document includes a list of references to various research papers related to mixture-of-experts and instruction tuning.
- The performance of different models on various tasks is shown in tables.
- A model proposed in 2022 outperformed human raters on a subset of difficult tasks called BBSH BBH from BIG-Bench.
- Performance results for various reasoning tasks and models are provided, including GSM8K, ASDIV, StrategyQA, and SVAMP.
31 word summary
The paper explores how Mixture-of-Experts models and instruction tuning can enhance large language models. Empirical studies support the authors' proposal that MoE models benefit more from instruction tuning than dense models.
38 word summary
The paper discusses the combination of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models and instruction tuning in large language models (LLMs). The authors propose that MoE models benefit more from instruction tuning than dense models. They conducted empirical studies across three experimental
581 word summary
The paper discusses the combination of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models and instruction tuning in large language models (LLMs). The authors propose that MoE models benefit more from instruction tuning than dense models. They conducted empirical studies across three experimental
The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) layer in the Transformer architecture allows for greater computational flexibility by providing multiple combinations of feed-forward networks. The final representation of a token is a weighted combination of expert outputs. The authors fine-tune the FL
Initially, as the number of experts increases, the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) model benefits from a richer repertoire of specialized sub-networks, leading to improved performance in processing complex tasks. However, as the number of experts continues to grow
Researchers conducted experiments on the F LAN-M O E model to investigate its performance and optimization process. They found that freezing either the expert or MoE components negatively impacted performance, while freezing the gate slightly improved performance. The researchers also experimented with hyperparameters and
Previous studies have explored large-scale multi-task fine-tuning without instruction prompts. However, initiatives like UnifiedQA and Natural Instructions have utilized prompt instructions for multi-task fine-tuning and evaluation. Some studies have combined datasets and tasks into a single resource, while
This text excerpt is a list of references to various research papers and preprints related to the topic of mixture-of-experts and instruction tuning. The references include papers on training verifiers for math word problems, vision-language models with instruction tuning, efficient scaling
This summary provides a list of references cited in the document "Mixture-of-Experts Meets Instruction Tuning." The references include papers on topics such as task-level mixture-of-experts for efficient inference, scaling giant models with conditional computation and automatic sh
This text excerpt consists of a list of references to various research papers. The papers cover topics such as multimodal contrastive learning, question-answering with human feedback, training language models to follow instructions, solving math word problems with NLP models
In the document "Mixture-of-Experts Meets Instruction Tuning," the authors discuss challenging big-bench tasks and whether chain-of-thought can solve them. They cite several relevant papers on attention models, self-instruction, and fine-tuned
Table 5 shows the MMLU[20:30] individual task performance for various subjects and models. The subjects include College Physics, Computer Security, Conceptual Electrical, Elementary Econometrics, Physics, Engineering Mathematics, Formal Logic, Global Facts,
The table shows the performance of different models on various tasks. The tasks include subjects like European History, Geography, Government & Politics, Macroeconomics, Math, Microeconomics, Physics, Psychology, and Statistics. The models used are Direct CoT
The following is a summary of the excerpted text from the document "Mixture-of-Experts Meets Instruction Tuning":
The text includes a list of subjects and models, followed by a table titled "Table 7: MMLU[40
The text provides a table of performance scores for various tasks and models. The tasks include Professional Psychology, Model, Public Relations, Security Studies, Sociology, US Foreign Policy, Virology, and World Religions. The models include Direct CoT
The excerpt discusses a subset of difficult tasks from BIG-Bench called BBSH BBH. These tasks were handpicked in 2022 and a model proposed in the same year outperformed human raters. There are 23 tasks mentioned,
The document provides performance results for various reasoning tasks. The tasks include BBH, Salient Translation, Error Detection, Snarks Sports Understanding, Temporal Sequences, Tracking Shuffled Objects, Web of Lies, Direct CoT, Ruin Names,
The summary is organized into separate paragraphs to distinguish distinct ideas for readability.
In this excerpt, the performance of various reasoning models and QA models is evaluated. The reasoning models include GSM8K, ASDIV, StrategyQA, and SVAMP. The performance